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Canadian certificates

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Edax Group and Canadian licenses

One of the authorizations we offer is CWB (Canadian Welding Bureau) certification. Obtaining this Canadian credential, allows you to perform welding work in Canada. In order to obtain such a certificate, you have to meet strict requirements that prove the highest quality of services offered just like ISO certificates. It requires companies to properly qualify their personnel in three areas: -the team for implementing engineering projects; -the team for supervising employees who perform welding work; -the team consisting of the employees themselves, responsible for performing welding work. In addition, special conditions are required to be met that prove the quality of the products used in the process of welding itself, as well as meeting the safety standards that are necessary to operate within the Canadian territory.

Canadian certificates

CWB (Canadian Welding Bureau) certification

First of all, thanks to the certification we offer, we are able to provide services in Canada. Having such certification proves that we meet a number of restrictive requirements that are required to provide welding services in Canada. And so we come to the second, possibly the most important recommendation of obtaining such certification, which is to confirm the highest possible quality of service provision in this industry. In addition, it is internationally recognized, which can allow your company to gain a certain prestige. In addition, obtaining such certification affects the internal benefits for your enterprise.

welding qualifications

Edax Group Company - Canadian Certifications

Obtaining them, often requires mandatory training of your supervisory staff. An example would be the required qualification training, work inspectors, in terms of supervising the performance of the welding process itself. But also for the workers themselves, who perform the work in the "field". An example of this, on the other hand, could be the required training in terms of safety, in order to get acquainted with the "safety codes", applicable during the execution of welding of your employees. These trainings can positively improve communication among your employees, while performing their activities. At the same time, they will allow you to improve the way you perform all your activities, both those performed in the office and those performed on the construction site. Both of these aspects will make you and your employees, derive greater satisfaction from the work entrusted to them, and your customers will be more satisfied with the results of the work they commissioned.